Last year we saw our worst winter for nearly a decade. Following so many milder Christmases, many motorists were caught unprepared for such extreme weather conditions during one of our UK roads busiest travelling periods, causing problems to the daily commute, congestion on busy roads, and even accidents.

Unfortunately, the UK is set for a 2019 winter that is worse still, and with the Christmas period set to be as busy as ever, make sure that your plans are not ruined by car-trouble. Stay safe on the roads, and help alleviate the pressure on the roads and emergency-services, by doing what you can to prepare your vehicle for the coming bad weather.

Here at PTAuto from the beginning of October we are running our Winter Service Checklist. This is a 21-point checklist that covers everything your car needs to be prepared and as safe as possible in the worst types of winter weather.

We check vital elements such as lights, tyres, and power steering are all running well, as well as topping up and recording all fluid levels such as brake fluid, antifreeze and engine oil.

There is no good time to break down and need roadside assistance, but there are worse times! Don’t get caught out in the cold this winter, contact PTAutos to book your Winter Service.